Hair Transplant Gone Wrong

While many of our clients at North Atlanta Hair Restoration have never had a surgical hair restoration procedure before, we do get a lot of people seeking corrective treatment for older or even botched previous procedures.

That was the case with Mike.

How Dr. Danyo Helped Mike Move Beyond His Older Strip Transplant Woes

He’d had what is commonly known as a strip hair transplant – FUT or follicular unit transplantation is the technical term for it – and this older hair restoration procedure left him with scarring and the unnatural “doll hair” look of hair plugs.

What’s worse – they became even more obvious as he lost more of his hair.

Compounding the problem, his options to cover or fix these issues were limited, as the many strip transplants had depleted most of the donor hair sites on his head.

Mike had called around and searched for new hair restoration options many times in the past, but he was told to just leave it and live with it, as the technology just wasn’t advanced enough to help him.

New Techniques, New Technology and New Skill to the Rescue

Luckily, Mike wasn’t willing to just give up, and after a move to Atlanta, he started looking for new hair restoration options again.

He found Dr. Danyo during his search, and he was overjoyed to learn that the doctor had solutions that could help him.

So, what had changed since he’d last asked around about his treatment options?

Three things, mainly:

  1. Hair restoration techniques have come a long way since his first transplant. FUE, also known as follicular unit excision, is now the hair restoration treatment of choice because it produces minimal scarring and incredibly natural-looking results. It can also be used to correct and conceal problems with previous hair transplants.
  2. Hair restoration tools and technology have advanced. High-tech advancements have allowed for more precision during hair follicle harvesting and placement, making it easier to blend in hair, design a natural-looking hairline, and carefully tailor the transplant for each patient. Larger transplants are also now possible with these new tools and technology.
  3. He’d found one of the premier hair loss experts and a pioneer in his surgical field. Daniel A. Danyo, MD is a leading FUE hair restoration surgeon and one of less than 250 doctors in the world to be awarded Diplomate status by the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery—the only recognized certification for hair restoration surgery. His advanced techniques and the assistance of his veteran surgical team make transplants that were previously considered impossible, now possible – much to the relief of patients like Mike.

Beard to Head Hair Transplant Explained

Treating cases like Mike’s require not just surgical skill but a good bit of artistry, too.

The first challenge was finding new donor sites for hair with the sites on the head depleted.

He also had to remove Mike’s old hair transplant plugs to get rid of that tell-tale doll hair look, and then strategically place enough new hair to cover the area and make it look natural.

That’s why Dr. Danyo chose a beard-to-head hair transplant for Mike’s treatment – it would provide enough coverage to rebuild the hairline and cover up the bare areas and scarring Mike had.

The good thing about beard hair is that it provides a lot of density per transplanted follicle, since beard hair is thicker than head hair.

You can also take a lot of beard hair without impacting the facial appearance, and the recovery time and discomfort are minimal – often less than with a regular hair transplant.

Another plus is that beard hair doesn’t usually fall out as you age.

The Difference Expertise and Experience Make

Now, you may be wondering why no one suggested doing this the last time Mike called around asking for corrective hair restoration options.

The answer is that a lot of hair restoration clinics aren’t experienced at performing beard-to-head hair transplants, and a lot of them simply can’t handle a project of such complexity and size.

But Dr. Danyo and his team have carefully honed their surgical techniques to make these larger and more complex transplants possible.

They also work together at a speed that allows them to get much more done in one procedure.

This combination of skill, experience and technique have made previously unheard-of transformations possible for patients like Mike.

It’s why people come from across the US and even internationally to seek treatment at North Atlanta Hair Restoration.

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Reach our patient coordinator at (678) 845-7521, or click here to book a virtual or in-person consultation.

Frequently Asked Questions About Beard to Head Hair Transplants

Will a beard-to-head hair transplant look natural?

Yes – but only if it’s done right. A lot of care needs to go into designing the hairline and into selecting and placing the donor hairs at their new site.

Ask any provider you’re considering how experienced they are with beard hair transplants and be sure to ask to see before and after pictures before you commit to treatment.

Will it make my beard look weird afterward?

It shouldn’t. In most cases, beard hair for transplant will come from below the jawline, making it nearly imperceptible, whether you wear a beard or not.

I can’t grow a beard. Are there other places on the body that can be used as donor sites?

Yes! There are many other sites on the body that can be used for hair transplants, including the chest, legs, and even underarm areas.

Dr Daniel A Danyo

Dr. Daniel A. Danyo

As a hair transplant patient himself, Dr. Danyo intimately understands his patients’ desire to achieve natural-looking results. He combines extensive training, experience and artistry with surgical precision to provide innovative solutions to hair restoration.

Daniel A. Danyo, MD is one of less than 250 doctors in the world certified by the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery, the only recognized certification for hair restoration surgery. He founded North Atlanta Hair Restoration in 2012 to provide advanced restoration techniques in a medically safe environment. As a triathlete who has completed two full Ironman triathlons, Dr. Danyo brings a high level of stamina, focus and perseverance to each procedure. He frequently takes on 2,500 grafts or more, a size most other clinics don’t attempt.

Dr. Danyo recently completed a Physician Executive MBA at Auburn University. The extension of the MBA to his resume greatly enhances the patient experience through improved efficiency and effectiveness techniques learned during his program at Auburn. It represents Dr. Danyo's pursuit of perfection and his desire to place his patients first.

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