Are Beard to Head Transplants Successful?

One of the most satisfying feelings as a medical provider is hearing that you’ve been able to change someone’s life with the work you do.

That’s why we wanted to share this real-life story of one of Dr. Daniel A. Danyo’s patients, to show just how much is possible with these revolutionary hair restoration treatments.

Meet Beard to Head Hair Transplant Patient Richard

Richard is 60 years old and he lives in New York. He lost his wife of many years two and a half years ago, and he was feeling pretty alone.

He wanted to get back out into the world again and meet people, but he felt self-conscious about his appearance because he was pretty much completely bald.

Now, he’d had a hair transplant 35 years ago, but they used the strip hair transplant method — the old kind that looks like hair plugs and leaves a lot of scarring.

What many people who had these FUT transplants now know is that usually the transplanted hair doesn’t last – after some years, it eventually just stops growing and you’re left back where you started.

What’s more, they often overharvested and left your best donor sites depleted – severely limiting your options for future hair restorations.

That was the position Richard found himself in – pretty much completely bald, with no good donor sites left on the back or sides of the head at all.

He couldn’t even go ahead and embrace the baldness by shaving his head, either, because the transplant had left unsightly plug-style scars at the front and big strip transplant scars at the back.

He’d taken to wearing a hat every day to cover them up for the past 15 years or so, but he was sick of it and wanted a change.

Richard started talking to hair clinics in and around New York City, but no one there seemed to know how to help him.

Finding Dr. Danyo

Richard didn’t want to give up, so he expanded his search and eventually found Dr. Danyo and his practice at North Atlanta Hair Restoration.

Dr. Danyo did have a way to help Richard – a FUE (follicular unit extraction) hair transplant surgery using hair from the beard, and some from the chest, as donor areas.

The doctor and his team undertook a 6000-graft beard-to-head hair restoration on Richard to give him the results he so dearly wanted.


They used hair follicles mainly from Richard’s beard, harvesting mostly below the chin to ensure his beard kept its natural fullness and didn’t look patchy afterward.

Hair from his chest was also used, with great care taken to ensure it, too, looked largely the same afterward.

Night and Day Results

The hair restoration surgery was a success, and Richard’s results were even quicker and better than he expected – his transplanted hair started growing vigorously right from the start.

The hair growth he achieved was even and nicely thick, with a natural-looking hairline and smooth texture.

On top of it all, Richard even noticed that his old hair plug hole scars seemed to be gone!

His results were transformative, and he was incredibly happy with his outcome and with the whole experience he had at North Atlanta Hair Restoration.


He is extremely grateful and has a whole new confidence about his looks.

Richard also had this advice he wanted to share with anyone who may be considering hair restoration surgery:

“Life is short, and if you want to look good, come to Dr. Danyo.”

Looking for Solutions for Your Hair Loss?

We have them. Dr. Danyo and his team at North Atlanta Hair Restoration specialize in finding hair loss solutions where others come up short.

We can help you even if you’ve had a previous transplant, have depleted donor sites, or are facing near-total baldness.

Don’t wait – call us at (678) 845-7521, or click here to book online. We offer both in-person and virtual consultations for clients near and far.


Frequently Asked Questions About Beard to Head Hair Transplantation

Who should consider beard to head hair transplant surgery?

Good candidates for beard hair transplant surgery include those with:

  • Extensive hair loss
  • Overharvested donor sites on the scalp
  • Poor donor sites on the scalp due to scarring or other factors

While the most common donor sites for hair transplant surgery are the back and the sides of the head, beard hair can be a great supplementary source for hair follicles – or even the sole source, if necessary.

A survey done by the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery found that while scalp donor hair was used in 92.5% of transplants, beard hair was used in 7.5%.

Of course, not all hair restoration surgeons are used to working with beard hair for transplants, so be sure to find a skilled and experienced practitioner who is.

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Are there advantages to using beard hair for a hair transplant?

There are. Beard hair tends to be thicker than head hair, so fewer grafts are needed to achieve the desired coverage and thickness.

Beard hair follicles also tend to be immune to the factors that cause hair loss and thinning, so you can expect your transplant results to persist for a very long time.

Will a beard to head hair transplant look weird?

A lot of people worry that using beard hair for a transplant may look unnatural or cause you to have a newly coarse or curly hair texture.

If you choose an experienced hair restoration surgeon, however, there’s no need to fear.

Careful donor hair follicle selection and placement can ensure your results look perfectly natural and just like regular head hair.

Do beard to head hair transplants last?

They do! Beard to head hair transplants can last for a lifetime because beard hair does not usually thin or fall out with age.

They can be a great addition to a regular hair transplant or a standalone option with truly lasting results.

Dr Daniel A Danyo

Dr. Daniel A. Danyo

As a hair transplant patient himself, Dr. Danyo intimately understands his patients’ desire to achieve natural-looking results. He combines extensive training, experience and artistry with surgical precision to provide innovative solutions to hair restoration.

Daniel A. Danyo, MD is one of less than 250 doctors in the world certified by the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery, the only recognized certification for hair restoration surgery. He founded North Atlanta Hair Restoration in 2012 to provide advanced restoration techniques in a medically safe environment. As a triathlete who has completed two full Ironman triathlons, Dr. Danyo brings a high level of stamina, focus and perseverance to each procedure. He frequently takes on 2,500 grafts or more, a size most other clinics don’t attempt.

Dr. Danyo recently completed a Physician Executive MBA at Auburn University. The extension of the MBA to his resume greatly enhances the patient experience through improved efficiency and effectiveness techniques learned during his program at Auburn. It represents Dr. Danyo's pursuit of perfection and his desire to place his patients first.

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