Author name: Dr. Daniel A. Danyo


Should I Get Hair Surgery or Use Hair Restoration Chemicals?

There are 56 Million people experiencing hair loss in the United States. The change in appearance can cause complicated feelings about one’s self image and a loss of self-esteem. The abundance of people searching for a solution to this situation creates a huge marketplace for hair loss remedies. There are many different hair loss products and procedures

Should I Get Hair Surgery or Use Hair Restoration Chemicals? Read More »


Our Non-Surgical Hair Restoration Techniques

Platelet Rich Plasma Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) uses your own blood platelets to activate hair growth and is a great non-surgical hair restoration treatment.  Platelets are rich in growth factors that stimulate hair growth once injected into balding areas. It is indicated for individuals that have diffuse thinning.  PRP is safe and effective with minimal downtime.

Our Non-Surgical Hair Restoration Techniques Read More »


Best Self Atlanta Magazine: Common hair transplant questions and answers with Dr. Danyo

Question 1:  What is the most important factor when evaluating someone for hair transplant surgery?Answer:  The most important consideration for hair transplant surgery relates to framing the face, by restoring one’s hairline.  The concept is similar to looking at a framed portrait, only having the picture frame on the sides and bottom, with none on top – the missing

Best Self Atlanta Magazine: Common hair transplant questions and answers with Dr. Danyo Read More »

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