If you’ve been looking into hair loss solutions, you’ve likely heard about something called the FUE (follicular unit extraction) hair transplantation procedure.
For those who are newer to hair restoration terminology, FUE is an advanced technique that lets the surgeon transplant individual hair follicles from areas of thicker growth into thinning areas.
It has largely replaced the older, strip transplantation method known as FUT (follicular unit transplantation), and that’s because FUE offers several advantages over strip transplantation.
What Are the Benefits of FUE?
The benefits of FUE are quite remarkable – so much so that this newer method has largely replaced the older methods, which produced obvious scarring and severely limited patients’ hair restoration options for the future.
The 6 top advantages of choosing FUE hair restoration are:
- Minimal scarring.
- Very little downtime for healing.
- Minimal pain and post-op discomfort.
- Well-preserved donor sites.
- A much more natural look.
- FUE really works to restore hair.
Let’s take a look at each advantage individually.
- Minimal scarring.
Modern FUE uses a small, very precise punch to extract each individual graft, and graft units are placed individually, too.
That means any scarring is quite small and well-concealed by the hair.
Older FUT methods left long, linear scars that often did not blend in well at all.
- Very little downtime for healing.
The greater precision – and smaller incisions – of FUE means that the transplant sites are able to heal more quickly, with less inflammation and potential for complications.
This faster recovery period lets you get back to your regular activities much sooner and lessens the need to hide for long periods while you heal.
You can even wear a hat right after your surgery, provided it isn’t too clingy or snug.
- Minimal pain and post-op discomfort.
When performed by a qualified hair restoration physician, FUE is usually painless during the procedure and most patients experience only mild discomfort afterward, which can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers.
FUE is a minimally invasive outpatient procedure that can be performed with just local anesthesia.
That means less need for medication, including anesthesia and post-op pain medications – an important consideration for patients with health conditions or those on other medications.
- Well-preserved donor sites.
FUE is also known for preserving the donor sites for hair much better, so not only do those areas stay looking nice and natural, they can also be used again if you need another transplant in the future.
Older methods took out big strips of hair and often left these sites unsightly and overharvested, greatly limiting patients’ hair restoration options down the road.
- A much more natural look.
The precision of FUE hair transplantation allows surgeons to create incredibly natural-looking results, including in highly conspicuous areas like the hairline and crown.
A good surgeon can often produce results that are indiscernible from natural growth, so the hair blends in seamlessly, with texture and growth in all the right directions.
How is that possible?
FUE allows for extremely precise placement of individual follicles – and it lets the surgeon control the angle and direction in which the transplanted hair will grow.
That means previously unachievable aesthetics are now easily attainable, as long as you choose a highly skilled provider with lots of experience in FUE.
- FUE really works to restore hair.
One of the biggest advantages of FUE is its extremely high rate of graft viability.
When properly performed, FUE transplantation can produce a graft take rate of over 95% if everything is done right – which is a very high rate of success that translates to thicker, more healthy-looking hair.
In plain English, that’s saying that pretty much all the hair the surgeon transplants will take root and grow in beautifully.
But that’s not the only barometer of hair restoration success – patients want:
- A very natural look
- They want the hair to continue to grow there indefinitely
- And they want to be done with worrying about hair loss for the foreseeable future
On all these counts, FUE, when done properly by an expert hair transplant surgeon, is usually a resounding success for patients.
In the hands of a skilled practitioner, FUE produces permanent, natural-looking results that you can expect to last a lifetime.
There’s simply no substitute for the best hair transplant technique when it comes to looking and feeling your best.
Want to Find Out If a FUE Hair Transplant Might Be Right for You?
Schedule your consultation at North Atlanta Hair Restoration right now.
You can call us at 678-845-7521, or click here to book online.
Let us help you figure out the next steps to a more confident, vibrant future with the head of hair you deserve.
FAQ on FUE Hair Transplant
I’m interested in FUE, but I want to learn more about it. Are there any resources you can recommend?
Most certainly. Our lead surgeon, Dr. Daniel A. Danyo, hosts a podcast where he talks about all things hair restoration-related, including all the different types of FUE.
You can listen to learn the basics of what the hair restoration process is like, or dive deep and learn about cutting-edge FUE techniques like DHI, long-hair FUE, beard-to-head FUE hair transplants, and more.
Click here to see the full menu of Dr. Danyo’s podcasts and listen for free.
Or check out the doctor’s blog for more information on a range of hair restoration topics.
Are FUE hair transplants considered a permanent hair loss solution?
For eligible candidates, FUE hair transplants are a permanent solution that produces continuous hair growth in the desired areas for a lifetime.
Because the hair being transplanted is from an area that is less susceptible to age-related hair loss (and male pattern baldness), you can expect your new grafts to keep on growing hair indefinitely.
Do I need to take special care of my hair after a FUE transplant?
You will receive special instructions on how to care for your grafts while they’re still healing, but after that, you can treat your hair just as you would normally.
Wash it, brush it, blow-dry it, cut it, style it normally – do whatever you like!
It’s real hair and it’s all your own, so you don’t need to do anything special to keep it.