How to Choose a Hair Restoration Surgeon

You’ve made the decision to do something about your receding hairline, and you’re ready to take the next step. But how do you choose which hair restoration surgeon to see?

Maybe you received a referral from your dermatologist, general practitioner or another hair restoration patient. Or maybe you’re just starting out and don’t really know where to begin.

Here’s some advice on how to make sure you choose the best hair restoration surgeon for your procedure.

Research the Hair Restoration Surgeon

It’s important to do your research ahead of time when looking for a good hair restoration doctor. You’ll be able to eliminate some of your options by looking at information online and asking around.

Here are some of the things you want to look for:

  • Experience – Has the surgeon been doing this for a while? Most surgeons will have a bio on their website or LinkedIn that talks about when and where they started, what kind of experience they have with different types of procedures, and their general doctor-patient philosophy.
  • Education – The doctor’s bio is also a great place to learn about their education and training. Sure it’s great that they went to a top rated school, but what have they done since graduation to stay on top of the trends and technological advancements?
  • Member of IAHRS ( – This is important. Check the list of members to make sure your surgeon is there. If not, you can cross them off your list.
  • Reviews & Recommendations – You always want to take what you read online with a grain of salt, but if you see 100% poor, one-star reviews of your doctor you might want to steer clear. The best reviews and recommendations though, are from people you know. So phone a friend and see who they used, and most importantly, if they would use them again.
  • Before & After Photos – A great surgeon will be proud to show off his work. So you should expect to see a good representation of before and after photos of previous patients on your hair restoration surgeon’s website, and definitely available in his office.

Which brings us to the next step…

Meet the Hair Restoration Surgeon

Most hair restoration specialists are going to offer a free consultation. Once you’ve narrowed down your list to two or three options, the consultation is your next step.

Take advantage of this opportunity to really get to know the person who will be changing the future of your scalp. Here are a few things to look for:

  • The Office – Is the facility clean and well taken care of? Do they use up-to-date technology and equipment? If you walk in and see a giant CRT monitor on the reception desk and a rotary phone, you might want to turn and walk out the door.
  • The Doctor – How much time do you get with the hair restoration surgeon vs his or her staff? If you spend your whole consultation time with a senior team member or a sales person and not the doctor, then you are not in the right place. If you are pressured to set a date for your procedure before meeting the surgeon, you are definitely not in the right place.
  • The Conversation – Are you comfortable asking all of your questions? Do you feel like the doctor and his staff are listening to you? If you aren’t feeling it, or they keep glossing over your questions, then you shouldn’t waste your time in that clinic. A good hair restoration clinic will make sure all of your questions are answered thoroughly before you schedule your procedure.
  • The Focus – Is the doctor dedicated to hair restoration or do they just do this on the side? If they split their time, what percentage is hair restoration? You want someone who is focused on providing the best hair restoration experience for their patients. Not someone who is just trying it out.

What Does the Hair Restoration Surgeon Offer

Technology is advancing and it’s important that your chosen doctor keep up with the latest advancements. When you do your research and/or have your consultation, ask about the different options that they offer in the clinic. Listen for some of these important things:

  • Latest Techniques – Has the hair restoration surgeon been trained in some of the latest techniques and advancements? Does he offer these advanced procedures regularly? Some doctors don’t offer the latest procedures like platelet rich plasma (PRP) or more time-consuming ones like Shaveless Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE.) Are these options important to you?
  • Variety of Options – If the hair restoration surgeon only offers one type of procedure, then you should keep looking. They may suggest one in particular for your skin type or other reasons, but they should be willing to talk about the other procedures they offer in the clinic and why those might not be the right fit.
  • Pressure – You should never feel pressured to make a quick decision about your hair restoration procedure. Any good clinic is going to ask if you’re ready to move forward and make an appointment, but the good ones will be willing to let you ask more questions and do more research until you feel comfortable.

Choosing your hair restoration surgeon is a big task and you should take your time and feel completely comfortable with your choice before your procedure. The best clinics are going to support you in your search for information and take the time to ease any concerns you might have.

At North Atlanta Hair Restoration, our team of professionals have helped hundreds of Atlantans make the best choice for their hair restoration procedure. We would love the opportunity to help you too.

Call us today to schedule a free consultation so you can get all of the answers to your hair restoration questions and find out which of our many options is best for you. You’ll meet with Dr. Danyo for an examination and recommendation based on your unique needs. Call us today!

Dr Daniel A Danyo

Dr. Daniel A. Danyo

As a hair transplant patient himself, Dr. Danyo intimately understands his patients’ desire to achieve natural-looking results. He combines extensive training, experience and artistry with surgical precision to provide innovative solutions to hair restoration.

Daniel A. Danyo, MD is one of less than 250 doctors in the world certified by the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery, the only recognized certification for hair restoration surgery. He founded North Atlanta Hair Restoration in 2012 to provide advanced restoration techniques in a medically safe environment. As a triathlete who has completed two full Ironman triathlons, Dr. Danyo brings a high level of stamina, focus and perseverance to each procedure. He frequently takes on 2,500 grafts or more, a size most other clinics don’t attempt.

Dr. Danyo recently completed a Physician Executive MBA at Auburn University. The extension of the MBA to his resume greatly enhances the patient experience through improved efficiency and effectiveness techniques learned during his program at Auburn. It represents Dr. Danyo's pursuit of perfection and his desire to place his patients first.

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